Tag Archives: screenplays

Phoenix International Christian Film Festival – Day 5

27 Aug

Wow! I can hardly believe the festival is almost over!!  I have one more morning and then I’m done 😦 .  It’s been a great festival so far and today was one of the best (mostly).

First was “Entrusted with Arrows”, a documentary film by Dallas Lammian and his family.  The film was awesome!!!!  All the interviews were really interesting, the clips selected really pushed his point, and still kept your attention, the facts presented were compelling, in all, a good film.  Good job, Dallas 🙂 .  Unfortunately, the audience for the showing was very small 😦 .  About six people (including my dad, sister, and me) were present.  But it was really great.

Next we decided to hang out and watch the next set before “Breaking Man”.  That was a mistake.  And I’m sorry I have to say that.  This block of films did not seem like something that should have been accepted into the festival, or at least, not one that claims to be a Christian film festival.  Very disappointing.

However, “Breaking Man” was a great relief that it was actually a story worth seeing.  It was still rough and the projector did made it really dark and really hard to see, but the film was still good.  I would say that it can still be tightened up a bit, but over all, it was pretty good.

Then I went to a workshop called “Improv Your Writing”.  That was a LOT of fun.  Basically, what the speakers were trying to impart some games and fun things to do when you are brain storming and writing.  Their goal was to help you get up off the chair and move your mind so you don’t think so hard when you are writing.  Great fun and very enjoyable.


Dream of a Ballerina

Dream, I think. Or Prison

Prison. The Blur is the teacher running across in front of the camera 😉

Prison - Jailers fighting over keys

Prison - Breaking out

Then my dad and sister wanted to see “Rust”, a film that I hadn’t a clue about.  This was another one of those gems hiding in this festival.  The features in the festival have been truly wonderful, even “King’s Man” wasn’t half bad (except for the ending).  And the majority of the features have been truly phonmeonol.  Just terrific.  “Rust” is one of these.  The film is about this old guy who comes back to his home town and digs into the mystery of the deaths of a family who were burned to death and it appears that this man is the murderer.  But this doesn’t sit right with the guy, so he starts digging into it.  At the same time the guy, a minister who is having doubts, refinds his faith while searching for the answers to this mystery.  Great detective story and film.  This one I’m going to see about getting lined up for a youth night out in Benson.

And then the wrap up of the whole night, “A Christmas Snow”.  WOW!  What a sweet comedy with such a wonderful message.  Enjoyable, tender, and with a great message about family, “A Christmas Snow” was a good film.

So, now I’m tied with three films for my Audience choice vote.  “Lifted”, “Rust”, “A Christmas Snow”.  I almost want to vote three times, because ALL three are wonderful in their own ways!


22 Mar

Welcome! I’m so excited to be able to share some of my writings with you!

Who am I? I’m Tabitha, writer-wanna-be and up-coming producer. I love to tell stories and have for many years. When I was seven, I would narrate what I was doing as I played outside, usually with some big dramatic story behind it. As I got older, a lot of my imaginings revolved around princess and royal weddings and kings and knights. I have always had a passion for historical work, from American Girl to Lord of the Rings to King Arthur, I love it all! One day I want to write and produce a feature film set in the Medieval era and one in the Western era. I have the stories, they just need to be fleshed out and made whole 🙂 .

I love meeting people, people from all places and who do all sorts of things.  I hope one day to get a database started with all the names of people I’ve worked with to encourage others to work with them and so that they can work with each other.

I am also a devote follower of my Lord, Jesus Christ. I accepted Jesus as my Lord when I was about 6 years old and spent the next 14 years learning about Him and learning what a walk with Him looked like. I’m still not sure what it really looks like, but a very foggy picture is beginning to form in my head.

Please come back! I will have lots to talk about on here and I hope that we can start some good conversations on here as well!